Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fifty States Tour - Alaska: Shop

Hello Alaska and guys these photos are only the tip of the iceberg, no pun intended. I have figured out this morning that I can only right click certain types of photos. So, there are other photos that I saved from their actual www website that I could not open and therefore cannot show you here.

If you find their shop a treat, then go to their website and click on one of the photos and you will see even more postings of items to buy and art to behold. They have these fabulous side tables that are ornately decorated with bears and caribou etc. and they are just awesome. The wood is burned freehanded and not on a computer or with a laser. This takes real talent and lots of practice!

I must say their website, it's a husband and wife team :), is really professional. I now know who to ask when I am ready to do my website as whatever company they went through did a great job.

The level of professionalism here is mindblowing. The beadwork is exquisite. Yes, I love the santa even in March as Christmas is just my time of year. I cannot do this shop justice. You simply must check out both their Etsy shop and their website. The work is just beautiful. I thought the Etsy shop caught my eye in a serious way, well the website really does these two special folks justice. So definitely check out their website. I've already added their website to my favorites on my computer and I'm adding their Etsy shop to my favorites on Etsy.

I just cannot say enough, so while I try to figure out how to grab some more photos to put on here, check them out. :)


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