Thursday, February 12, 2009

Giving Up TV

So, will we miss the tv once the stations convert to dtv next week???? Our son loves Hacker on PBS, I like the art shows on Saturday on PBS, we can halfway watch some of the Nightrider shows - I have to keep my finger on the channel changer at all times, but J. enjoys the parts we allow him to watch. We do watch American Idol and Survivor, but that's about it. Oh, and we like Antique's Roadshow. There are some law and police shows I like, but we can't watch them as family as J is too young and we aren't corrupting his mind with most of the mess on tv. The more you watch of blood and gore - the more conditioned you are to that type of graphic scenery.

So, we'll likely get the converter box eventually or get a package that includes faster internet, but for now, we're trying out something different. We want to know what we will do without tv. Will we be closer as a family?? Will we read more books to J than the standard one at bedtime?? Will we make more crafts?? Will the house be cleaner??? Will we play more board games, like Operation, Monopoly Junior, and such???? I guess we will see. I was talking to an artist on our last trip up to Eureka and he told me he had not had a tv on in 10 years and that he became much more artistically inclined and really became serious about his art. I'll keep you posted. Oh, I'm also considering a second blog where I pay a fee for it, but can sell on it, and cannot be shut down whereas I am reading blogspot can shut you down at will. I would imagine that would be more for rude, illicit sites that we don't want up anyway, but it is something to think about.

Oh, I must share - in my ramblings through Etsy, I found a site last night that sells spells...........I found that most fascinating that someone out there is selling spells on Etsy. So, the person does some spell casting on their end and then sends you your spell box with proper ingredients and spell instructions relative to the specifics in your case...............things that make you go - hmmmmmmmm.


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