A dear friend asked me if I could design and create her some gypsy earrings. My mind raced to a single pair of copper chandeliers I have been holding onto and to a purchase of Czech glass that I had been saving for a special occasion. The copper chandelier pieces are not a style I think I can obtain again and the Czech beads - well look at the ones on the earrings and you get the idea - they're just lovely all together. This is a Take-One because I have to get a notion about what the dear friend has in mind. Now that I've designed such a scrumptious pair, I just may have to design some more, but I don't foresee any being precisely the same as these.
This pair really is quite sassy and I can just imagine the lovely gypsy who would wear these traveling the world seeing the sun set and rise over all the oceans and exploring lands far and near.